Sewage cars

Sewage tanks (slurry tank) designed for emptying septic tanks and domestic sewage wells.

Ми виготовляємо бочки для асенізаційних автомобілів різного типу з виконанням монтажних робіт та налаштуванням на об’єкт.

If necessary, we set made Sanitation and ilososni barrel on the chassis. Chassis can be provided by the customer, or our experts chosen according to customer requirements and technical capabilities.

All equipment, relating Cesspool cleaner is new, made in-house PE «GAZI» –

  • наші асенізаційні / Sludge pumping barrels vyroblyutsya metal or stainless steel with a thickness of 3 mm 8 mm.
  • Barrels are welded with two spherical bottoms, diameter from 500 to 2100 mm.
  • We offer both standard barrels, and can produce according to individual dimensions tank, depending on the type of work and conditions, в яких вона Вами буде використовуватись.

dung (mulososna) barrel capacity 12000 liters

Technical and operational data reservoir (tank):

Length: 4500 mm

The diameter of the barrel: 1900 mm

Weight capacity: 3,2 t

The tank is made of sheet thickness 8 mm mark 09G2S.

Bottom made of sheet thickness 8 mm diameter 1900 mm.

The back cover opens on hinges entirely aside, which makes it possible to clean the container in the middle.

The reservoir has 2 additional breakwaters inside the barrel to extinguish dynamic strokes.

Upper hatch on bolted joints 500 mm. Suction-release hole 200 mm. of cast iron latch.

На задньому люку розміщене вікно показника рівня наповнення резервуару. Є можливість додаткового встановлення показника

Maximum - 12,1 t3, storage capacity - 11,8 t3.

Ємність прикріплена на балках з нахилом резервуару 3°.

The tank is equipped with a platform to move, ladder with an external coating primer (coating paint by agreement). The reservoir has a compartment boxes and transport bags.

The car is equipped with a vacuum pump (compressor) rotary-plate type KO-510. Productivity 360,0 (+- 20,6) m / cube. за год., що дає можливість наповнити бочку на протягом 7-8 minutes.

Asenizatsina machine scania GAZI

*Prices for production sewage barrel on stretcher, without painting
Asenizatsina machine GAZI - youtube

[Asenizatsina machine DAF GAZI